
Oops..I did it again

A project log for Ender 3 Artifex Edition

Dual Z-Axis Linear Rail & Drive. Dual Gear Direct Drive. X & Y Linear Rails. E3D V6 Hot End. All metal. All blue. All sexy.

g0ldenerdg0ldenerd 04/29/2022 at 15:540 Comments

Well, the project is technically finished. The second z-axis bracket made it's way here. Everything is assembled and wired. 

Then..I broke it.

I had a slim stepper on the Y axis, but this was honestly too much for the little guy. So I threw two of the slim ones on the Z axis (perfecto) and stole the Z axis motor as it's the same as the original Y motor, without the stupid press fittings. 

I. Didn't. Swap. The. Middle. Wires. Back.

Oh yeah. It peaked above the drivers rating. Now I have no Y axis control. 

This project is temporarily delayed for 2 weeks as I either arrange a new board or get brave enough and make something out of one of my RaspberryPis
