
[P - E1]

A project log for SecSavr Sublime [gd0036]

An FFF 3D printer that I described as "The FULL Coverage, Extended X, Pro Max, Ultramatrix Solution"

kelvinakelvinA 03/07/2022 at 20:262 Comments

Constant force spring

It seems that I've been sent the wrong spring here. As you can see from the listing, I'm expecting the spring to be around 8-9cm in size and 0.8mm thick.

[Edit 1 - 24 March 2022] - Wear gloves and eye protection when removing the metal band around it. 2 fingers just got slashed when the spring rapidly expanded:

Cheap 608 bearings

I bought the black ones on Amazon UK almost 2 years ago (April 2020) for £16.33, and while the colour wasn't seemingly in stock, the other 3 colours are at around the same price (£16.99), suprisingly. 

I cleaned the black bearings as I assumed I'd have to do something when I got them; these bearings are drastically cheaper than even the second cheapest option I could find. To my suprise, 96 black bearings seemed to roll fine. These new green bearings also look fine. They're both no butter but I'm on a budget, but I feel like the oil(?) coating the greens are sticker than when I was cleaning the black ones. That's another 100 bearings I've got to clean up to see how many of them are good. 

The design so far only calls for 144 bearings, so I should have plenty of spares on hand.


Daniel Grace wrote 03/08/2022 at 00:51 point

"Only" 144 bearings. Nice.

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kelvinA wrote 03/08/2022 at 13:40 point


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