- The fixing location is closer to the end position of the tool, wether that be the nozzle of the extruder tool or the drill bit of the milling tool.
- The gear of the extruder is likely to be used for things in other tools like lifting or lowering tools in the milling tool or connected to a plunger for the chocolate tool, and the mechanical force is expected to be on the top section of the tool.
- The extruder is probably heavier than the degaussing electromagnet, so having that higher up means that the centre of mass is closer to the axis rail.
Modelling a concept

Increasing length for the camera
I then updated the Slime file and the bottom of the hotend was too close to the bottom of the Slime. I guess that's a nice problem to have, because I increased the length of the hotend assembly so much that I don't even have to cut the CR10 heatsink anymore.

- Easier to add a filament guide as it uses a grub screw instead of an M10 thread for the bowden coupler
- Uses an M4 grub screw instead of M3 for the heatbreak, meaning that there's a lower chance of stripping the screw.
- More material around the mounting holes, which I intend to tap in some M4 threads.
- It's black, increasing both aesthetics and matte black objects emit radiation the best.
I got to modelling and uploaded it on GrabCAD. Lastly, I modelled the filament guide and fixed the SecSavr Slime model.

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