
[T] Dust (and other milling) Concerns

A project log for SecSavr Sublime [gd0036]

An FFF 3D printer that I described as "The FULL Coverage, Extended X, Pro Max, Ultramatrix Solution"

kelvinakelvinA 03/20/2022 at 18:020 Comments

A few days ago, I found out, among other things, that (FR4) dust is pure poison, especially the very fine particles from specific materials and not the larger shavings from plastics and metals. 

I was already planning on HEPA filters, but I wanted to avoid the need for a vacuum and instead use the 6028 blower on the Slime. Other than blowing the particles onto some kind of catcher around the bit, I don't think I'd be able to go with that method. 

 On the same note, I want to make the printer as easy to clean as possible. This means things like centralising air intake locations so that dust only has to be cleaned in a few locations, as well as easily wipable surfaces. This is why I'm thinking of using large diameter shrinkwrap tubes as sleeving instead of cable chain / hose tube / braided sleeving (and also because I think it'll look better)
