
[R] Spring Balancer

A project log for SecSavr Sublime [gd0036]

An FFF 3D printer that I described as "The FULL Coverage, Extended X, Pro Max, Ultramatrix Solution"

kelvinakelvinA 05/17/2022 at 10:520 Comments

After digging around, I've found out about spring balancers. They sound like the thing I've been looking for (see previous log) in that they're a tether used to counterbalance tools to prevent strain on workers. The cool feature is that the balance force is adjustable, which is even better than a constant force or gas spring strategy. It also requires much less effort on my part to implement.

I'm thinking that it might be possible to connect the cord ends together for SecSavr installations that have a Z height that exceeds the cord length of a single spring balance.
