
[T] Grippiness, motors and others

A project log for TEOSS [gd0037]

The shoe that moves. A next generation idea in electric fast travel technology.

kelvinakelvinA 04/11/2022 at 00:450 Comments

[T] = Thoughts

I'm thinking of not worrying about the grippiness of the track right now so that it doesn't stop me from designing other parts of the boots. As long as it's grippy enough to test as a minimum viable product, it should be good enough.

For the motors, I'm thinking of using these.

For the batteries, I'm thinking of using an 18 - 20S battery along with a 48V voltage regulator. Motor power consistency is important for this specific project. 

For the colour, I'm thinking white. There will also be a strip of bright LEDs for additional visibility.

I'm also low key thinking of picking up this project and merging it to work with TEOSS and gd0039.
