
[T] Keyboard Shortcut Abstraction Layer

A project log for enSweepen [gd0096]

Procedural and parametric, node-based CAD for 3D modelling with sketches.

kelvinakelvinA 06/17/2023 at 21:394 Comments

I'm mainly going to develop the workflow for #Tetent [gd0090] first, but I was also thinking about how I was going to handle keyboard shortcuts. 

Similar to FreeCAD, I'm going to have the feature where you can press 2 keys (like Key Q, Key E) to do a function (in this case, switch to the Equalize constraint). The thing is, these shortcuts are chosen by where the key physically is on the keyboard. Thus, the idea I've got is to have a feature where the keyboard layout is determined or input by the user and then the software bulk-switches all the shortcuts to match up. Thus something like CTRL+Q in QWERTY would be CTRL+A in AZERTY.


aaaaaa wrote 06/22/2023 at 21:08 point

meybe he think about more than  alt and CTRL modifier keys. mac, windows and linux, unix have different systems and naming.
And this keyboard has 3 more language keys for Japanese or Korean for example.

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sup wrote 06/22/2023 at 12:00 point

meybe add more 'switch' keys similar shift, meta, ctrl, alt like this idea

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kelvinA wrote 06/22/2023 at 17:41 point

I'm thinking of having a seperate checkbox for modifier keys. It might get confusing for some if both the normal keys and modifier keys move around. There probably should also be a checkbox to omit some shortcuts. For example, its reasonable to assume that everyone would expect CTRL+C to copy, no matter what the layout is like. On the other hand, I know that people that use other layouts are annoyed that CTRL+Z/X/C/V aren't in the same location as in QWERTY.

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sup wrote 06/23/2023 at 12:45 point

Yes, I wrote about more than standard switches.

lang1, lang2 etc.

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