[18:28] 6 hours ago, I was looking at the Tetent Timespy [gd0136] concept I had modelled the day before and desired to print it. I thought about the printers I had available. The CR600S is completely out of commision and the Tevo Flash needs a fan shroud tweak and a new fan, but I couldn't think of anything hardware related that stopped me from using the Linear Plus.
Fixing auto bed calibration
Powered it on and it homed fine, so I started an Auto Bed Calibration and that's when I found out that the issue was firmware related. The printer wasn't moving to the correct next probe position. So, 5 hours ago, I got started.
Pulling from common
So my Marlin Github is set up to have "common" as the main branch that has all the common changes I make to all Marlin printers, and then printer specific branches. Since I didn't want any suprises, I pulled changes from common as-is instead of first pulling from marlin/bugfix-2.0.x. About an hour later after accepting changes, I was ready for the first compile.
Yeah that make sense.
Pulling from bugfix-2.0.x
So there's a bunch of new things I have to accept in the config files, and so I finish one and then see this:
Thus, I "Accept all incomming" for maybe 20 files at a time, since, for some reason, I couldn't do all at once successfully.
Yeah... this is probably one of those "caught inside a merge" kind of errors. I don't know what they're actually called, but I imagine that a non-compiling codebase was pushed to the branch. I copy out the 4 files I've modified, hard reset the repository, paste the 4 files back in and... same result.
Pulling from bugfix-2.1.x
So after like an hour figuring out how to pull from 2.1.x and not 2.0.x, I go through the config and find out what a TPARA is:
I accept changes in the config files, then do the same copy-out strategy mentioned above.
The changes from the initial LP firmware is
- changing the probe margin from 30mm to 45mm to increase the likeliness of the piezo sensors detecting a signal. The closer the probe point is to the edges, the closer it is to the rigid bed mounts and the less the bed vibrates enough to trigger the piezos.
- Reducing Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES from 18mm to 10mm to see if a bug has been fixed since the last time I flashed firmware.
Solving the delta calibration issue
First time trying the auto calibration and the Z was moving down at a snail pace.
Then the probing looked pretty gittery so I was thinking it was to do with a low DELAY_BEFORE_PROBING of 70ms. It barely succedded with a standard deviation of 0.49 after 3 iterations. Increased it to 200 and then 500ms and the calibration failed and made it more obvious that the bug I mentioned earlier was still around. For some reason, the printer won't move to the correct location if this value is too low.
I changed DELAY_BEFORE_PROBING to 100ms and increased Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES back to 18mm/s. I got a successful calibration and after 4 iterations, the screen spat out a s.d. of 0.35. Now it's been entire years since I've last done a delta calibration, but I feel like the typical standard dev is 0.020, but maybe I'm misremembering 0.200.
My hypothesis was that 18mm was high enough for a full auto calibration, but not high enough for the linear plus to move to the correct points. I observed that the 3 middle points didn't really move that much from each other.
Thus, I increased the value to 24mm, and after 10 iterations...
Getting a print
[21:55] So I copied over the cura config files into a new printer profile and set everything up for printing some £5/kg PLA. Repaired the SD card drive and put it in the printer.
The comments from this reddit post fixed the issue. I enabled SDCARD_CONNECTION LCD and I was able to get the SD card in a halfway position when it was detected. I theorised that the printer thought that the SD card was in when it was actually out, and vice versa, so I changed SD_DETECT_STATE HIGH to SD_DETECT_STATE LOW. While I was here, I found out about and turned on BROWSE_MEDIA_ON_INSERT and MEDIA_MENU_AT_TOP which are very nice Quality Of LIfe features to have. I uploaded the firmware, put in the SD card and was transported to this screen.
Now it was time to get some printing done.
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