
[DP2] Mystery temp drops

A project log for Printer Repair [gd0137]

A log of upgrading and repairing my FFF 3D printers.

kelvinakelvinA 12/30/2022 at 16:212 Comments

[15:42] As mentioned in a comment here, my DP2 is having a thermal runaway condition where everything is printing just fine and then BAM out of nowhere I tank from 212C to 189C or so. So far, I've taken off the silicone sleeve and, other than the bottom of the nozzle, it's one of the cleanest v6 blocks I've ever seen on a printer (that hasn't recently gotten a new one). The thermistor is the cartridge style and very solidly in there, so it doesn't seem to be the cause of a loose one.

[15:56] Went into the wiring and all terminal blocks are tight. Hm... could it be software? I'll track the temperature though Repetier to get more insights.

[16:13] And were live:

[16:44] Ok... all looking goo-- WOAH WOAH WOAH THERE IT IS!

Yeah there's ABSOLUTELY no way I'm loosing 20C in like 2 seconds. And then, max power was injected in yet the temp is climbing much slower than it should be (so I turned it off). Something else to note is how high the power% is. Seems like 70% to keep at 212C for some reason, especially since it was hovering at 50% at the start of the print. This could be caused by the hotend being further away.
I cooled it to 100C and then turned the heater on again... and it's looking to plateau at 180C. As you could see from the first graph, that certainly shouldn't be happening.

then again, it might just be a difference in scales. The gradients look about the same now.

Maybe I should try printing at 200C and see if that eliviates the strain on the heater cartridge? Also, that little dip is when I restarted the printer, just incase something was restart related.

[17:15] I'm currently compiling the latest Marlin 2.1 bugfix to see if that changes anything (if this current 200C test fails)


Earlier into the print, I was getting large temperature swings:

They've seemingly died down, and then I got this suspicious spike:
I wonder what this could be caused by. Maybe the passively cooled internals are messing with the ADC? I have also opened a window so the ambient air is a little colder.

[19:13] Okay the print finished (and just in time because the part fell off as soon as I lifted the magnetic build plate). I'll try an autotune with the fan at 100% to see if that can resolve anything, and then flash the updated firmware.


kelvinA wrote 01/08/2023 at 03:25 point

The Y axis sounded like it was snoring. Turns out 2 of the 3 wheels had single ball bearings and those wheels basically weren't moving. 18 minute repair later and I might be able to start an overnight print, though it's 3:22am so maybe an "earlybird" print.

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kelvinA wrote 01/07/2023 at 17:38 point

Ok I've got a second print going. It's been 1h20mins and everything seems to be going well.

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