I've created a similar device with Raspberry to show time, weather or smart home info. But then I realized that I don't need a Linux machine to do this. Especially when you can't buy a Raspberry board (or for a crazy price). So I came up with a solution to use a RPi Pico with WiFi module. It's cheap and powerful enough to take time from a NTP server or to parse a simple JSON.
I use a WizFi360 WiFi module and a 3D printed case.
My first goal is to display time. And to do it I need the time from somewhere. So I wired the WizFi360 WiFi module and connected it to my local network. I got the time for NTP (network time protocol) server time.google.com. The module has a build-in function to get the time using AT commands so it was really easy.
Output from a python script:
CMD: AT+PING="www.google.com"
AT+CIPSNTPTIME?+CIPSNTPTIME:Fri Mar 11 19:53:48 2022