
Sorted out: Klipper stability at max. scanning speeds

A project log for SLS4All - Affordable SLS 3D Printer

Design, development and build of an open-sourced SLS 3D Printer suitable for hobby users.

tomas-starekTomas Starek 03/28/2022 at 08:190 Comments

We were working for several weeks on getting max. galvo speeds and the Klipper stability (it is mainly about right timing of operations). After several headaches and changes in Klipper I am really happy that our latest tests show max. speeds around 950mm/s. It is not the absolute limit, but the reliable setup.

Actually, to be precise – galvo speed itself was not such a bit problem. Complicated thing was to make it stable while laser “on”/”off” instructions are coming at these speeds.

I don't know now whether we will use this speed in printing because of energy density needed for sintering. But it is the upper limit for the algorithm we have implemented to set correct speeds during the print.


Just to be fair - it was not the Klipper fault as it was probably not designed for this speeds levels with combination with the number of instruction we are sending.
