

A project log for Music Spectrum and dB Visualizer

Receive input from a 3.5mm jack, divides the music into 7 frequency bands, shows the loudness of each frequency band in DB using LEDS.

ghani-lawalGhani Lawal 03/26/2022 at 23:450 Comments

Music is divided into 7 frequency spectrums:

  1. Sub-Bass:                 16-60Hz
  2. Bass:                         60-250Hz
  3. Lower Midrange:      250-500Hz
  4. Midrange:                 500Hz-2kHz
  5. Higher Midrange:     2-4kHz
  6. Presence:                 4-6kHz
  7. Brilliance:                  6-20kHz

Generally speaking, an increase of 10dB roughly corresponds to the perceived doubling of intensity

Max output voltage of a 3.5mm jack doesn't seem to have a standard limit, will have to figure it out experimentally
