So I printed a new side panel with a slot to accommodate the protruding keyboard PCB.

I was able to reattach the side panel and mount the keyboard. For the moment I have attached the keyboard from my Challenger 1P project as it already has the keycaps installed and the layout is almost exactly the same as for the MCM/70.

I can now start to model the final keyboard piece of the case skin.
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Thanks Cees. You are right, I could have CNC’d the side panels as a single piece. Printing was just easier and quicker I guess. Still an option if I get ambitious later.
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Looks better by the week!. Just wondering: Why did you do the sidepanels as two 3D printed pieces? I would argue that one piece of MDF, if properly painted, would look just as nice and you wouldn't have to deal with the gap.
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