

A project log for R2D2 Mini Edition

Made a miniature R2D2 from PCB, it's powered by an Attiny85 and speaks ASTROMECH Phrases at 3-second intervals through a BUZZER.

arnov-sharmaArnov Sharma 04/01/2022 at 04:410 Comments


Before getting started, I prepared a simple Attiny85 Setup that consist of an Attiny Connected with a Buzzer and one LED.

I followed the below schematic for connection and made a Breadboard edition first.

I then programmed the attiny85 with my Arduino as ISP Programmer just by putting the attiny85 onto the IC Socket and flashing the MCU with the following sketch-

#define speakerPin 0

#define ledPin 2

void setup() {
        pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);


void phrase1() {
        int k = random(1000,2000);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    for (int i = 0; i <=  random(100,2000); i++){
                tone(speakerPin, k+(-i*2));                  delay(random(.9,2));                 }     digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);       for (int i = 0; i <= random(100,1000); i++){
                tone(speakerPin, k + (i * 10));                  delay(random(.9,2));                 } 

void phrase2() {
        int k = random(1000,2000);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);      for (int i = 0; i <= random(100,2000); i++){
                tone(speakerPin, k+(i*2));                  delay(random(.9,2));                 }     digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);       for (int i = 0; i <= random(100,1000); i++){
                tone(speakerPin, k + (-i * 10));                  delay(random(.9,2));                 } 

void loop() {
        int K = 2000;
    switch (random(1,7)) {
                case 1:phrase1(); break;
        case 2:phrase2(); break;
        case 3:phrase1(); phrase2(); break;
        case 4:phrase1(); phrase2(); phrase1();break;
        case 5:phrase1(); phrase2(); phrase1(); phrase2(); phrase1();break;
        case 6:phrase2(); phrase1(); phrase2(); break;
    for (int i = 0; i <= random(3, 9); i++){
                digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);          tone(speakerPin, K + random(-1700, 2000));                  delay(random(70, 170));          digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);                   noTone(speakerPin);                 delay(random(0, 30));                 }     noTone(speakerPin);             delay(random(2000, 4000));     //(1000, 2000)        
