
A project log for Minimalistic Supernova Early Warning Gadget

A Raspberry Pi Pico based gadget that can give you some advance warning of a core-collapse supernova in our own galaxy

heinz-bernd-eggensteinHeinz-Bernd Eggenstein 04/02/2022 at 15:590 Comments

OK, so the task of this project is to produce a nice-looking gadget that will alert the user about a burst of neutrinos reaching Earth, announcing that a star in the Milky Way galaxy had its core collapse under its own weight after running out of fusion fuel. The next step in this cataclysmic event will be that the former core will be converted into a black hole or a neutron star, while the remaining material of the star will "explode" and will form a supernova.

OK, but can we detect the initial burst of neutrinos with consumer-grade stuff like detectors and electronics? 

NO. Absolutely NOT. No WAY!

The only instruments that can detect such burst are scientific neutrino detectors that require huge bodies of water (as ice, sea water or water liquid water in huge underground caverns). Luckily, these scientific events will almost instantly share the detection of such a burst with the world, e.g. thru the SNEWS project (SuperNova Early Warning System). There are several ways to receive alerts from SNEWS, for this project,I plan to use the GCN service provided by NASA).

So here is the plan:

Set project requirements:

And the project plan is something like this:

  1. For prototyping: port the Python library PyGCN by Leo Singer et al to CircuitPython, maybe trimming it down to the bare minimum needed
  2. For prototyping: solder a Wiznet5k Ethernet hat to a raspberry Pi Pico µC and make it connect to the public GCN server from NASA
  3. For prototyping: Make some simple circuit to sound a buzzer after a SNEWS (test) alert until the alert is reset by pressing  a key 
  4. Maybe think about an alternative audio output that uses a MP3 etc recording, e.g. from a klaxon
  5. Add an OLED display to the design
  6. Take a nice little FM radio, and try to integrate what we have into it after gutting it. Possible reuse:
    1. the speaker
    2. the volume control knob
    3. existing pushbuttons to reset the alarm or test it
    4. cutouts/windows for the display
    5. the power-supply if possible?
