
8.- Tests of the First Prototype

A project log for Night Light Control + PID Battery Charger

PWM Signal Charging the Battery of a "Night Light Control" by Using a PID Controller

guillermo-perez-guillenGuillermo Perez Guillen 04/03/2022 at 05:010 Comments

Assembly of parts

Next, I show you some images of the assembly.



Protecting the board in a box

Protecting the board in a box

The prototype is finished

The prototype is finished


Generating a PWM signal: This example requires a setpoint and the PWM signal is generated automatically.


Generating a control PWM signal from a PIDController:

Setpoint: VBattery = 4.95 volts / VR5 = 2, 2 volts / ADC = 3003 ADC.

We can appreciate, here the PID controller, generates many duties cycles.

Measured frequency = 30 kHz

Measured frequency = 30 kHz

VR5 = 2,2 volts, duty cycle = 11%

VR5 = 2,2 volts, duty cycle = 11%

VR5 = 1,99 volts, duty cycle = 12%

VR5 = 1,99 volts, duty cycle = 12%

VR5 = 1,6 volts, duty cycle = 21%

VR5 = 1,6 volts, duty cycle = 21%

VR5 = 1,3 volts, duty cycle = 24%

VR5 = 1,3 volts, duty cycle = 24%

VR5 = 1,13 volts, duty cycle = 48%

VR5 = 1,13 volts, duty cycle = 48%

VR5 = 0,9 volts, duty cycle = 91%

VR5 = 0,9 volts, duty cycle = 91%
