
The fun has just begun!

A project log for ABN6502 SBC R1

Saving the planet, one obsolete chip at a time

anders-nielsenAnders Nielsen 11/06/2022 at 11:140 Comments

The project might not have finished top5 in this year's Hackaday Prize but I still have to thank everyone here, and Hackaday staff, for all the support - and a big congratulations to the winners!

Even though the 2022 HaD Prize is over the project certainly isn't going on the shelf - it has a permanent place on my desk as a helpful gadget that let's me easily do tons of tasks. 

Testing a logic IC is as simple as connecting it to port A and reading it, and testing old parallel equipment is super easy with the address, data, and control lines broken out. I'm sure it'll be featured in a couple more videos on my youtube channel.

In the coming week I hope to update the board slightly as I might have underestimated the size of the random hacker's soldering iron tip - 0402 solder jumper pads will be no more, and changed to actual solder jumpers of a more reasonable size, a minimum amount of decoupling caps will be changed from 0603's to 0805's where possible, and that should make it slightly more hacker friendly. 

I probably won't order the new design next week though so if you decide to try it out before I do then please let me know. 

Since I don't plan on making the ROM in circuit programmable any time soon, I also plan to move the control register into ROM address space since the register is write only anyway and the ROM is read only anyway.  Not happening this week though, so after I make the "user friendlyness" changes this week might be a good time for you to make one. 

If you missed the RIOT video, check out what I use my SBC for.
