
Some Updates - PCB mistakes, new stuff and power banks

A project log for Vending Machine for Birds

Simple, inexpensive bird feeder that dispenses peanuts in exchange for dropping stuff in a hole. A vending machine for clever birds.

stephen-chaseyStephen Chasey 04/30/2023 at 19:400 Comments


I did make a few mistakes in the first PCB. I misconnected the PIR and needed to cut a trace and use a bodge wire fix it. I went back and fixed that and a few other minor issues in Kicad. I also found some better ways to clean up the schematic and check my work. Later this week I hope to have checked everything several times again and be ready to order another batch of PCBs. 

New Feaatures


Using Powerbanks

I used a hose clamp to attach a segment of 110mm PVC with end caps to the feeder that can house a power bank (or 4 D-cells, a 6V lantern battery, a main-powered USB charger, etc.) so I can start using them to power the feeder and swap them out easily. It can hold more than one, so it woud be possible to run off one while solar charging another. The circuit and mechanical design has changed a few times since I ran this off 4 D-cells, so I want to see how long it will run off 10000 mAh and 20000 mAh power banks. I am hoping to get at least a week off 10000 mAh. 
