
Timed Dispense Off - Stage 3

A project log for Vending Machine for Birds

Simple, inexpensive bird feeder that dispenses peanuts in exchange for dropping stuff in a hole. A vending machine for clever birds.

stephen-chaseyStephen Chasey 08/04/2024 at 11:280 Comments

The machine has been up continuously for almost a month. A few days ago I disabled timed dispense since jackdaws have by now associated the platform with food. Now they only get a peanut if they drop something in the hole. In the evening I place some rubbish on the platform and by late afternoon the platform is empty. Some of it ends up on the floor, but most of it goes in the hole. The birds are starting to understand that stuff needs to go in the hole to get a peanut.

Now the real challenge is to get them to start picking items off the ground and planters around the feeder to deposit. Once they can do that it's on the the final phase 4 of getting them to bring things I don't provide.

Here's my experience so far - a little faster than what I put in the project description, but the jackdaws had previous exposure to the vending machine a year ago when it was dispensing shelled peanuts.

Conditioning Stages
0 - Put food in the area you plan to mount the vending machine to start attracting birds
(a few days)
- Food Provided, Timed Dispense, Deposit Provided
(1 week)
2 - No Food Provided, Timed Dispense, Deposit Provided
(2-3 weeks)
3 - No Food Provided, No Timed Dispense, Deposit Provided on or near platform
4 - No Food Provided, No Timed Dispense, No Deposit Provided
