
First pictures

A project log for How to use an aerial 36 inches lens

the different steps involved to shoot with an aerial photographic (enormous) lens when you don't have the airplane to hold it

zit-olivier-gade[zit] Olivier Gade 04/28/2022 at 16:380 Comments

It's good to have an elevator to go to the fifth floor when so much things are needed to take a picture :

Two heavy duty tripods with solid heads (and therefore heavy), the lens, the big aluminium case for the camera, accessories and films, between 30 and 50 kilograms.

I think the day I'll go for a photographic ride on my recumbent bicycle, with all that stuff in the side luggages and in the trailer, I'll need some very good motivation, and legs...

The below is too long for infinite focus, it'll need some rods to hold it strait.

It's not easy at all to have an idea of where exactly the thing is aiming, an external simple viewfinder is necessary for the first adjustment of the frame, anyway, there's not so much room for those big tripods on the terrace, if I want to shoot in that direction (with the sun on my back), I won't have so many framing options : the two tripods must be perfectly in alignement to have the lens board and the film parallels so the pictures are in focus all around the frame.

I know this is not at all informative of what I was trying to shoot, but I think it's a nice autoportrait (I never take selfies ;o).

Anyway, this is analog photography, you can't see the result instantaneously, the sheet films must be processed in various toxic liquids at the right temperature, the good order and for a precise duration, and washed, and dried before being able to see something.

Photographers material is photon, a very weird thing, the more you know about photons, the more you know you know nothing, and our principal tool, to shape that very fast energy phenomenon is time : photographers are experts in time.

There was a lot of light and without any shutter, I wasn't sure to have anything on the sheet films more than a blurry too big amount of light, blurry because the exposure was done by removing the volet (blind ?) of the film holder, and putting it back in place is giving a little movement to the camera.

A little bit later, thru the kitchen window, there's less light, I can stop the exposure without movement with the help of a black coat, more shots, maybe a better chance to get an idea of what that lens can do.


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