
04/19/22 - Components And Minor Progress

A project log for Hot End Board

Custom board for the hot end of a 3d printer

daniel-graceDaniel Grace 04/20/2022 at 03:510 Comments

Minor progress. I've been doing competitive research, figuring out what I want to include in the board, how many SKUs I want, etc. I am mostly waiting on things to arrive before I can make any hard progress.

To try and update more often, and make the updates less dense on occasion, here's a photo of a reel of 27 ohm resistors, and my current progress on making a spool holder for them to store them efficiently. 27 ohm resistors are a very common value for USB connectors, so this is one of the components that I jumped the gun and went straight to buying a full reel (10,000 pieces!).
