First session : We thought about an emotion panel that would help autistics express what they feel through drawings on an electric board but this project already exists. For this reason, we are looking for a new one while focusing on autistic children.
Second session : We were thinking of another project but it was still all confused in our heads.
Third session: We found a project: Little characters with different kind of emotions on their faces which will requier the toddler to create a story based on the emotion. This game will help toddler (autistics, etc..) to learn how to represent different emotions
Fourth session : our last project was good but not good enough for us to show some ingeeniering skills. It is the last class for us to finalize the paper prototypes. Our project ? A glove restraining the movement ability for people suffering parkinson.
Last session : We focused on our project and manage to realize it. A glove composed from rings and bracelet made out of shapable plastic with fishing wires helping to adjust. The wires go through holes digged in a wood square we fixed on our bracelet.