

The goal of my project is a system to let my wife and me to sleep instead of waiting up until our teenagers strolls through the door.

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The idea is to set an alarm and disable it on detecting in the area the mobile phohe Wifi MAC
Of course it's supposed I thrust on their cooperation to maintain the mobile wifi enabled or activating it at arriving home.
Also, the use of the home network ensures to detect the same MAC for the targeted devices
What I have by now:
- ESP32 mesh (3 devices by now) for sniffing 2,4GHz
- JSON list of detected devides + signal stretch, served from inside an embedded REST server
Why Mesh?
I want to reduce the number of connected devices to the home AP so this is a good choice to have only one connected client form the whole system
You can see the graph obtained when I tested the system into an office environment with a high number of wifi devices arround

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