
Am I going colour blind?

A project log for World's first 32bit Homebrew CPU

Creating the world's first 32bit homebrew CPU using 74' series logic.

phil-wrightPhil Wright 02/28/2017 at 22:452 Comments

The next batch of PCB's are in...

Hang on. I always order blue boards for my cool looking blue CPU. What the hell is this? I double checked my online orders and sure enough, I selected blue for them all. After 8 orders with PCBWAY.COM this is the first mistake they have made. I wonder if they ran out of blue board and just substituted? Wouldn't surprise me.


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Ted Yapo wrote 03/01/2017 at 00:16 point

That sucks.

Do you pay extra for blue soldermask with them?  If so, I'd demand blue ones.  Even if it's the same price, you can make an argument that these are not suitable for your purpose because they're manufactured incorrectly.

I've had a few projects where the boards had to be black.  I ended up with nine extra copies of one board because the cheapest way was to order 10.  Green just wouldn't do - I get it.

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Phil Wright wrote 03/01/2017 at 00:26 point

The price is the same for green or blue and you have to order 10 boards, otherwise it is actually more expensive to order less! Two of the four designs need to be reordered anyway to fix errors in design. So the other two are only $10 each to replace and I will simply get new ones at some point in the future. I am kind of expecting occasional issues cause they are such a cheap supplier. Even if every 10th order was a screw up it would still be cheaper overall.

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