
Setting Up the Box

A project log for Star Trek Shuttle Console

A Star Trek away mission themed escape room in a box.

rubenfixitRubenFixit 04/25/2022 at 02:140 Comments

Clean Up

  1. Charge Emergency Power Cell & Battery in the box
  2. Remove all 12 Isolinear Chips and shuffle them
  3. Return 10 Isolinear Chips to the Isolinear Chip Bay and hide 2 in the PADDs
  4. Attach the Isolinear Chip Cover
  5. Reattach all Power Grid wires
  6. Attach the Power Grid Panel
  7. Place Each PADD in it's own zipper bag
  8. Shuffle and return all tools to the toolbox
  9. Lock the toolbox by scrambling the number dial
  10. Place the following in another zipper bag:
    1. Emergency Power Cell
    2. USB A to USB C cable
    3. Engineers Toolbox
  11. Carefully place all items on top of the panel, with the Commander's log Card on last.


  1. Ensure everything is where it should be (see Clean Up above)
  2. Remove the Mimetic Crystal and Masterkey
  3. Hide each Mimetic Crystal somewhere nearby, and update the Scan Results (website or printout) with clues or GPS coordinates of their location.
