# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# QuadMic Test for all 4-Microphones
# ---- this code plots the time series for all
# ---- four MEMS microphones on the QuadMic
# ---- attached to the Raspberry Pi
# -- by Josh Hrisko, Principal Engineer
# Maker Portal LLC 2021
import pyaudio,sys,time
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Finding QuadMic Device
def indx_getter():
quadmic_indx = []
for indx in range(audio.get_device_count()):
dev = audio.get_device_info_by_index(indx) # get device
if dev['maxInputChannels']==2 :
print('Device Index: {}'.format(indx)) # device index
print('Device Name: {}'.format(dev['name'])) # device name
print('Device Input Channels: {}'.format(dev['maxInputChannels'])) # channels
quadmic_indx = int(indx)
channels = dev['maxInputChannels']
if quadmic_indx == []:
print('No Mic Found')
sys.exit() # exit the script if no QuadMic found
return quadmic_indx,channels # return index, if found
# pyaudio Streaming Object
def audio_dev_formatter():
stream = audio.open(format=pyaudio_format,rate=samp_rate,
input=True,output_device_index=(0),output=True,frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) # audio stream
stream.stop_stream() # stop streaming to prevent overload
return stream
# Grabbing Data from Buffer
def data_grabber():
stream.start_stream() # start data stream
channel_data = [[]]*chans # data array
[stream.read(CHUNK,exception_on_overflow=False) for ii in range(0,1)] # clears buffer
for frame in range(0,int(np.ceil((samp_rate*record_length)/CHUNK))):
if frame==0:
print('Recording Started...')
# grab data frames from buffer
stream_data = stream.read(CHUNK,exception_on_overflow=False)
data = np.frombuffer(stream_data,dtype=buffer_format) # grab data from buffer
stream_listen = stream.write(data) #writting the data allows us to have the microphones' feedback
for chan in range(chans): # loop through all channels
channel_data[chan] = np.append(channel_data[chan],
data[chan::chans]) # separate channels
print('Recording Stopped')
return channel_data
# functions for plotting data
def plotter():
# ---- time series for all mics
plt.style.use('ggplot') # plot formatting
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8)) # create figure
ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude',fontsize=16) # amplitude label
ax.set_ylim([-2**15,2**15]) # set 16-bit limits
fig.canvas.draw() # draw initial plot
ax_bgnd = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox) # get background
lines = [] # line array for updating
for chan in range(chans): # loop through channels
chan_line, = ax.plot(data_chunks[chan],
label='Microphone {0:1d}'.format(chan+1)) # initial channel plot
lines.append(chan_line) # channel plot array
ax.legend(loc='upper center',
bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,-0.05),ncol=chans) # legend for mic labels
fig.show() # show plot
return fig,ax,ax_bgnd,lines
def plot_updater():
# ---- time series and full-period FFT
fig.canvas.restore_region(ax_bgnd) # restore background (for speed)
for chan in range(chans):
lines[chan].set_ydata(data_chunks[chan]) # set channel data
ax.draw_artist(lines[chan]) # draw line
fig.canvas.blit(ax.bbox) # blitting (for speed)
fig.canvas.flush_events() # required for blitting
return lines
# Main Loop
if __name__=="__main__":
# Audio Formatting
samp_rate = 48000 # audio sample rate
CHUNK = 12000 # frames per buffer reading
buffer_format = np.int16 # 16-bit for buffer
pyaudio_format = pyaudio.paInt16 # bit depth of audio encoding
audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() # start pyaudio device
quadmic_indx,chans = indx_getter() # get QuadMic device index and channels
stream = audio_dev_formatter() # audio stream
record_length = 30 # seconds to record
data_chunks = data_grabber() # grab the data
fig,ax,ax_bgnd,lines = plotter() # establish initial plot
while True:
data_chunks = data_grabber() # grab the data
lines = plot_updater() # update plot with new data
# Stop, Close and terminate the stream
Updates of the previous code :
# Stop, Close and terminate the stream
This solves the problem of the code being able to run only one time. So the py was busy because the stream and pyAudio were not closed at least for spyder.
stream = audio.open(format=pyaudio_format,rate=samp_rate,
stream_listen = stream.write(data)
By adding the device outpout (headphones plugged) and writting on the stream we can listen to what the microphones are hearing. But there's a lot of latency which is going to be an issue if we want to implement the noise cancelling function. We can also hear clicks. I think it's because the codes is made to stream the audio by recording for 0.1s then stop and record again ect. We hear is cuts in the sound basically.
So when I raise the recording length, it's better but the the graph freezes. Raising the rates from 16000 Hz to 48000 Hz, the frames per buffer from 4000 to 12000 and the recording time from 0.1s to 30s allows the recordings to be more linked. I chose these values because I remember that when I was testing the mic I was at 48000 Hz so I did the ratio to 16000 which gave me 3. Therefore, I multiplied the frames per buffer number by 3. I also realized that you have to keep a ratio of 400 between the recording length and the frames per buffer number to lower the latency.
but if we set the recording length for a high value it is impossible to visualize the wave form in real time.
Since there's already latency in the sound coming through the headphones, we will have to calculate it and and subtract it to pi to have our counter wave. Why not just modify the recording length to de-phase the signal ? In the code the recording length is liked to the reading (microphones) and the writing (headphones) on the stream. So it will affect how the device reads the data from the microphones like we saw earlier.
Next step : noise cancelling (maybe by modifying the stream.write(data) )and adjustments
if you want to see the wave form in real time:
16000 Hz
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