
First steps

A project log for Pressure Warning Device for Manual Toothbrushes

A Device made from Simple Analog electronics and 3D printed parts. It fits around a generic Manual Toothbrush and prevents over pressure.

bolzbrainBolzbrain 04/21/2022 at 17:390 Comments

I scoped out some out some pressure sensors, and then choose a

20g-2 kg high precision resistance type thin film force sensor

its a generic disk type sensor.

After doing some research on "shake generators" i found that generators in the form factor (small) arent for sale sadly.

So i am gona  build my own.

But building a smal form factor shake generator is almost a own project.

Thats why the first prototypes will use a button cell so i can test the rest of the sensors untill i get the generator working.

I also started to design the handle in FreeCad


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