
Introducing the BoxLambda Project.

A project log for BoxLambda

A retro-style FPGA-based microcomputer. The microcomputer serves as a platform for software and RTL experimentation.

epsilonEpsilon 04/23/2022 at 17:060 Comments

Alright, this is it. We’re live. I’m starting a project called BoxLambda. Here’s the run-down, copied verbatim from the

BoxLambda is an open-source project with the goal of creating a retro-style FPGA-based microcomputer. The microcomputer serves as a platform for software and RTL experimentation.

BoxLambda is a software-hardware cross-over project. The plan is to provide room for experimentation both on the FPGA RTL side and on the software side.

Key Goals

You can find the source code for BoxLambda on GitHub:


Does the world need another retro-style computer? Probably not, but I do. I’m a software engineer and I’ve been studying FPGA development for about a year now, specifically for this project.

It’s an ambitious project and at least half of it (the FPGA half) is in a realm with which I have very little experience. I don’t know if the project will succeed. Maybe I’m too ambitious and too naive. We’ll see. This Blog will document the journey.

What’s up with that name, BoxLambda?

“Box”, as in, a physical box. “Lambda”, as in, an anonymous function, a software concept. It’s an attempt to convey that this project is both about hardware and software. Microsoft would have been a good fit too, but the name was taken.

Interesting Links : The Commander X16 is the 8-Bit Guy’s dream computer. This is the project that got me dreaming. I want to build a computer like this, but not exactly like this. I want to build my own.

OK, that’s enough for an introductory post I think. See you in the next one!
