
Warnings and Verilator Lint.

A project log for BoxLambda

A retro-style FPGA-based microcomputer. The microcomputer serves as a platform for software and RTL experimentation.

epsilonEpsilon 07/16/2022 at 10:530 Comments


We currently have a simple Hello World test project for an Arty-A7-35T, consisting of an Ibex RISCV core, a Wishbone shared bus, some internal memory, a timer, GPIO, and UART core. We can build a simple Hello World test program for the processor and include that into the FPGA build. Software compilation and FPGA synthesis and implementation are managed by a Makefile and Bender based build system.

The Hello World test project currently builds and runs just fine. However, from the number of warnings that Vivado spits outs during synthesis, you would almost be surprised it works at all. Since my previous post, I’ve been sorting through those warnings. I also added linting.

Vivado Warnings

If like me, you have a software background, you’ll probably see warnings as errors. They’re often benign but, ideally, they should be fixed.

Vivado synthesis doesn’t seem to work like that. Vivado generates warnings for code that, to me at least, looks perfectly alright. For example:

You attach a simple slave to a shared bus. The slave doesn’t require all input signals from the bus (e.g. a subset of the address lines). The slave also drives some of the optional output signals to a constant zero (e.g. an error signal).

When synthesizing this slave module, Vivado will generate a warning for each unconnected input signal and for each output signal that’s driven by a constant. In other words: in Vivado, Warnings are not Errors. Warnings need to be reviewed, but they don’t necessarily need to be fixed.

Btw, I’m just referring to regular Vivado warnings here. Vivado may also generate Critical Warnings. Critical Warnings indicate significant issues that need to be looked at and fixed.

Synthesizing a component separately also generates a lot of additional warnings, compared to synthesizing that same component embedded in a project build, with all the inputs, outputs, and clocks hooked up. Many of those warnings can be avoided by adding constraints specifically for the standalone synthesis of that component, but I don’t think it’s worth the effort. I decided to focus instead on reviewing and fixing as many warnings as possible in project builds. Right now, that’s just the Hello World build.

There’s also the matter of warnings deep inside third-party code. Warnings near a component’s surface you have to be careful with, as those can point to integration issues. Several layers deep, however, you’re looking at third-party code internals that is presumably being actively maintained by someone else. I take a look when I see such a warning, but I will think twice before making changes. On the other hand, abandoned third-party code, such as ibex_wb, I will treat as my own.

To summarize, here’s how I’m handling Vivado warnings:

With that pragmatic mindset adopted, I was able to make progress. I fixed a bunch of warnings, but not all, for the reasons stated above.

Lint Checking

Because Vivado synthesis spits out such confusing warnings, I wanted a second opinion. I decided to add Verilator lint checking to the build system. Verilator lint performs static code analysis and will find coding issues that Vivado synthesis often does not. Moreover, it does this very quickly. Without linting, finding and fixing coding errors is a slow process:

  1. Make some code changes.
  2. Kick-off synthesis.
  3. Wait 20 minutes or more for the synthesis to complete.
  4. Get a bunch of warnings and/or errors.
  5. Repeat.

With lint on the other hand:

  1. Make some code changes.
  2. Kick-off lint checking.
  3. Wait 10 seconds.
  4. Get a bunch of warnings and/or errors.
  5. Repeat.

When your design lints cleanly, you still need to synthesize it obviously, but at that point, it should take far fewer synthesis cycles compared to doing the same thing without linting.

Verilator Lint Waivers

It’s common to insert lint waivers into code, telling the lint checker to not issue a particular warning when checking a particular piece of code:

   // There are missing pins here, but the arty-a7 example in the ibex repository   // is instantiated the same way, so I'm sticking to it.   // verilator lint_off PINMISSING   ibex_top #(     ...  );
   // verilator lint_on PINMISSING

Inserting lint waivers into your own source code is fine, but it’s annoying to insert waivers into third-party code. You end up with a bunch of little deviations from the vanilla code base. Those deviations turn into a bunch of little merge conflicts down the road when you git pull the latest-and-greatest from the third-party repository.

You can avoid that issue by putting lint waivers in separate .vlt files instead of inserting them directly into source code. In .vlt files, you can specify to which file, and code block within a file, to apply the waiver. For instance, my .vlt file for the ibex component looks like this:

lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/sub/ibex/build/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1/src/lowrisc_ibex_ibex_core_0.1/rtl/"
lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/sub/ibex/build/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1/src/lowrisc_ibex_ibex_pkg_0.1/rtl/"
lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/sub/ibex/build/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1/src/lowrisc_prim_cipher_pkg_0.1/rtl/"
lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/sub/ibex/build/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1/src/lowrisc_prim_generic_clock_gating_0/rtl/"
lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/sub/ibex/build/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1/src/lowrisc_prim_ram_1p_pkg_0/rtl/"
lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/sub/ibex/build/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1/src/lowrisc_prim_ram_2p_pkg_0/rtl/"
lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/sub/ibex/build/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1/src/lowrisc_prim_secded_0.1/rtl/"

I have checked this in as lint.vlt into the components/ibex/ directory. No changes are required in the sub/ibex/ repository.

You can find more info on .vlt configuration files here:

New Build Targets

I added new targets to the Bender.yml files to accommodate lint checking. We currently have the following Bender targets:

  - target: ibex_wb_core    files:      - rtl/    

I also added new Makefile targets:

make lint currently completes without errors or warnings on all component and project directories. The goal is to keep it that way.

Try It Out

To try out the latest code:

  1. Install the prerequisites.
  2. git clone,
  3. cd boxlambda
  4. Switch to the warnings_and_lint tag: git checkout warnings_and_lint.
  5. Get the submodules: git submodule update –init –recursive.
  6. Run a lint check across all components and projects: make lint (from the repository root directory)
  7. And/Or build the project:
    1. cd projects/hello_world
    2. make impl
  8. Start Vivado and download the generated bitstream to your Arty A7-35T: projects/hello_world/generated/project.runs/impl_1/ibex_soc.bit

Interesting Links

FPGA Prototyping by SystemVerilog Examples: Xilinx MicroBlaze MCS SoC Edition: A link to a book, haha! Unfortunately, not everything is freely and legally available online yet. This is the first book I read about FPGA development. It’s not perfect, but it is pretty good. The book is easy to follow and engaging because it’s hands-on: By the time you complete the last chapter, you’ll have a working VGA graphics core with a frame buffer, text overlay, mouse pointer, and sprites. You’ll also have a sound core, PS/2 mouse and keyboard, a UART, and SD storage.


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