
Hello Debugger!

A project log for BoxLambda

A retro-style FPGA-based microcomputer. The microcomputer serves as a platform for software and RTL experimentation.

epsilonEpsilon 08/29/2022 at 09:250 Comments


Here’s a summary of the current state of BoxLambda. We currently have:

Debug Support

RISCV-dbg in the BoxLambda architecture

My next step is to bring up a JTAG debug core along with OpenOCD. Having JTAG debug access to the target will come in handy as we bring up more components of the BoxLambda SoC.

OpenOCD is an open-source software package used to interface with a hardware debugger’s JTAG port via one of many transport protocols. In our case, the hardware debug logic is implemented by a component called riscv-dbg. The overall setup looks like this:

OpenOCD General Setup

OpenOCD General Setup

The target in our case is either a Verilator model or an Arty A7-35T FPGA.

I’m using the RISCV fork of OpenOCD:

I created a fork of the riscv-dbg repository for BoxLambda:

The RISCV-DBG component

First, we need to bring riscv-dbg into the BoxLambda source tree. It took a bit of figuring out which riscv-dbg source files I needed and what their sub-dependencies were. I eventually found all the info I needed in the riscv-dbg testbench makefile.

RISCV-dbg is part of the PULP platform and depends on three additional GitHub repositories that are part of this platform:

As their names suggest, common_cells and tech_cells_generic provide commonly used building blocks such as FIFOs, CDC logic, reset logic, etc. Pulpino is an entire RISCV-based SoC project. However, the riscv-dbg pulpino dependency is limited to just a few cells for clock management.

I created git submodules for all of these repositories under the BoxLambda repository’s sub/ directory. I then created a riscv-dbg component directory with a Bender.yml manifest in it, referencing all the sources needed from those submodules: components/riscv-dbg/Bender.yml.

├── components
│   └── riscv-dbg
│       └── Bender.yml
└── sub    ├── common_cells    ├── tech_cells_generic    ├── pulpino	    └── riscv-dbg

RTL Structure

RISCV-DBG has two top-levels:

Recall that BoxLambda uses a Wishbone interconnect. The Ibex_WB submodule implements a Wishbone wrapper for the Ibex RISCV core. It does the same for RISCV-DBG’s dm_top: sub/ibex_wb/rtl/

Refer to the ibex_soc example to see how RISCV-DBG is instantiated: sub/ibex_wb/soc/fpga/arty-a7-35/rtl/

OpenOCD and RISCV-DBG Bring-Up on Verilator

The riscv-dbg testbench makefile shows how to test OpenOCD JTAG debugging on a Verilator model. The JTAG transport protocol is a simple socket-based protocol called Remote Bitbang. The remote bitbang spec is just one page:

The Verilator setup looks like this:

BoxLambda OpenOCD Verilator Setup

BoxLambda OpenOCD Verilator Setup

Surprisingly, the original riscv-dbg remote bitbang code that gets compiled into the Verilator model does not implement the spec correctly. I implemented a fix and filed a Pull Request:

With that fix in place, I can build and run a Verilator model, connect OpenOCD to the model, and connect GDB to OpenOCD:

OpenOCD JTAG Debug Session on Verilator OpenOCD JTAG Debug Session on Verilator

The Try It Out section below shows the steps needed to recreate this OpenOCD JTAG debug session on Verilator.

The OpenOCD configuration file for JTAG Debugging on Verilator is checked into the openocd directory: openocd/verilator_riscv_dbg.cfg

To summarize:

  1. The above OpenOCD config file is used to connect to the JTAG TAP of a Verilator model.
  2. The JTAG TAP is implemented by a RISCV-DBG core connected to an Ibex RISCV32 core.
  3. The JTAG TAP is used to debug the software running on the Ibex RISCV32 core.
  4. The JTAG TAP is accessed using a socket-based OpenOCD transport protocol called remote_bitbang.

The Hello_DBG Project and Automated Test

The hello_dbg project (directory projects/hello_dbg/) implements the OpenOCD Verilator setup shown above. The project contains the Hello World test build extended with the riscv-dbg component. The project directory also contains a test script that goes through the following steps:

  1. Start the Verilator model
  2. Connect OpenOCD to the model
  3. Connect GDB to OpenOCD (and thus to the model)
  4. Execute a UART register dump on the target
  5. Check the UART register contents against expected results.
├── projects
│   └── hello-dbg
│       ├── Bender.yml
│       ├── sim
│       │   ├── sim_main.cpp
│       │   └──
│       └── test
│           ├──
│           └── test.gdb ├── components
│   └── riscv-dbg
└── sub    ├── common_cells    ├── tech_cells_generic    ├── pulpino	    └── riscv-dbg

OpenOCD and RISCV-DBG bring-up on Arty-A7 FPGA

With the Verilator setup up and running, I had enough confidence in the system to try out OpenOCD JTAG debug access on FPGA.

The obvious approach would be to bring out the JTAG signals to PMOD pins and hook up a JTAG adapter. However, there’s an alternative method that doesn’t require a JTAG adapter. The riscv-dbg JTAG TAP can be hooked into the FPGA scan chain which is normally used to program the bitstream into the FPGA. On the Arty-A7, bitstream programming is done using the FTDI USB serial port, so no special adapters are needed.

The riscv-dbg codebase lets you easily switch between a variant with external JTAG pins and a variant that hooks into the FPGA scan chain, by changing a single file:

Both files implement the same module name (dmi_jtag_tap) and the same module ports, so you can swap one for the other without further impact on the system. Lightweight polymorphism.

On the OpenOCD side, the transport protocol for this Debug-Access-via-FPGA-scan-chain-over-FTDI is anti-climactically called ftdi.

BoxLambda OpenOCD Arty A7 FTDI Setup

BoxLambda OpenOCD Arty A7 FTDI Setup

OpenOCD Configuration for the Arty A7 FTDI Setup

So far so good. However, it wasn’t obvious to me what OpenOCD configuration settings I should be using. The OpenOCD documentation recommends creating new configurations starting from existing, similar configurations. Other than that, the documentation appears to be more concerned about properly organizing the configuration into an interface, board, and target section than it is about providing detailed info about how you should go about setting up a specific JTAG configuration.

Still, the given advice worked out. I found the OpenOCD config files for two other Arty A7-based projects online:

From those two config files, and some table data provided in the riscv-dbg documentation, I pieced together a config file that works. I checked in the file under openocd/digilent_arty_a7.cfg.

To summarize:

  1. The above OpenOCD config file is used to connect to the JTAG TAP of a riscv-dbg core…
  2. …to debug the software running on a connected Ibex RISCV32 core.
  3. The RISCV-DBG core’s JTAG TAP is hooked into the Arty-A7’s scan chain, normally used for loading a bitstream into the FPGA.
  4. The Arty-A7 FPGA scan chain is accessible through the board’s FTDI-based USB serial port.
  5. The OpenOCD transport protocol name for this type of connection is ftdi.

The Try It Out section below lists the steps needed to set up an OpenOCD JTAG debug session on the Arty A7.

Summary of Changes

New SubModules

New Components and Projects

OpenOCD Configuration Files

Build System Changes

New Prerequisites

Try It Out

Repository setup

  1. Install the Prerequisites.
  2. Get the BoxLambda repository:
    git clone
    cd boxlambda
  3. Switch to the hello_dbg tag:
    git checkout hello_dbg
  4. Get the submodules:
    git submodule update --init --recursive

Connecting GDB to the Ibex RISCV32 processor on Arty A7

  1. Build the test project:
    cd projects/hello_dbg
    make impl
  2. Start Vivado and download the generated bitstream to your Arty A7-35T: projects/hello_dbg/generated/project.runs/impl_1/ibex_soc.bit
  3. Verify that the Hello World test program is running: The four LEDs on the Arty A7 should be blinking simultaneously.
  4. If you’re running on WSL, check the When on WSL note below.
  5. Start OpenOCD with the digilent_arty_a7.cfg config file:
    sudo openocd -f <boxlambda root directory>/openocd/digilent_arty_a7.cfg
    Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
    Info : JTAG tap: riscv.cpu tap/device found: 0x0362d093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x362d, ver: 0x0)
    Info : [riscv.cpu] datacount=2 progbufsize=8
    Info : Examined RISC-V core; found 1 harts
    Info :  hart 0: XLEN=32, misa=0x40101106
    [riscv.cpu] Target successfully examined.
    Info : starting gdb server for riscv.cpu on 3333
    Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
    Ready for Remote Connections
    Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
    Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
  6. Launch GDB with hello.elf:
    cd <boxlambda root directory>/sub/ibex_wb/soc/fpga/arty-a7-35/sw/examples/hello
    riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb hello.elf
  7. Connect GDB to the target. From the GDB shell:
    (gdb) target remote localhost:3333
    Remote debugging using localhost:3333
    0x00000c90 in delay_loop_ibex (loops=3125000) at ../../libs/soc/utils.c:12
    12              asm volatile(

When on WSL

If you’re running on WSL, you need to make sure that the USB port connected to the Arty A7 is forwarded to WSL. The following article describes how to do this:

On my machine, these are the steps:

  1. From a Windows Command Shell:

     C:\Users\ruben>usbipd wsl list BUSID  VID:PID    DEVICE                                                        STATE 1-2    0403:6010  USB Serial Converter A, USB Serial Converter B                Not attached 1-3    0461:4d15  USB Input Device                                              Not attached 1-7    13d3:5666  USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam                                          Not attached 1-14   8087:0aaa  Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R)                                Not attached
     C:\Users\ruben>usbipd wsl attach --busid 1-2
  2. From a Linux shell on WSL:

     epsilon@LAPTOP-BQA82C62:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0403:6010 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT2232C/D/H Dual UART/FIFO IC Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

Connecting GDB to the Ibex RISCV32 processor on Verilator

  1. Build the test project:

     cd projects/hello_dbg make sim
  2. Launch the Verilator model:

     cd generated ./Vmodel
  3. Start OpenOCD with the verilator_riscv_dbg.cfg config file:

     openocd -f <boxlambda root directory>/openocd/verilator_riscv_dbg.cfg Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0+dev-02372-g52177592f (2022-08-10-14:11) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read TAP: riscv.cpu
     [riscv.cpu] Target successfully examined. Ready for Remote Connections on port 3333.
  4. Launch GDB with hello.elf:

     cd <boxlambda root directory>/sub/ibex_wb/soc/fpga/arty-a7-35/sw/examples/hello riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb hello.elf
  5. Connect GDB to the target. From the GDB shell:

     (gdb) target remote localhost:3333 Remote debugging using localhost:3333 0x000005fc in uart_tx_ready (module=<optimized out>) at ../../libs/soc/uart.c:31 31              return module->registers[UART_REG_FIFO] & 0x00010000;

Running the Hello_DBG Automated Test

In the hello_dbg project directory, run make test:

epsilon@LAPTOP-BQA82C62:/mnt/c/work/boxlambda/projects/hello_dbg$ make test
make -C /mnt/c/work/boxlambda/projects/hello_dbg/../../sub/ibex_wb/soc/fpga/arty-a7-35/sw/examples/hello
make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/c/work/boxlambda/projects/hello_dbg/generated'
cd generated && source ../sim/
JTAG remote bitbang server is ready
Listening on port 9999
Attempting to accept client socket
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0+dev-02372-g52177592f (2022-08-10-14:11)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
TAP: riscv.cpu

Accepted successfully.[riscv.cpu] Target successfully examined.
Ready for Remote Connections on port 3333.
$1 = 0x10010000
Test Passed.

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