
Sice changing blaster

Shrinking a body isn't feasible in reality but would still be a good solution to bring world peace. At least for a few generations..

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...until humans begin to overpopulate again. Shrinking all Human and human products for 80% wouldnt only mean less Co² emission but also diminished consumption of world's resources.. Every German eats about one kilo of meat a Week. With every human being 80% smaller a whole family would only need this one kilo instead of 5...You know where I'm getting here... My blaster is designed in fusion360 and printed with my anycubic 3d printer. Its inner life is based on an Arduino nano which is connected to a few Leds, a led strip and two buttons. I wrote the code in a few days and I'm a beginner so there are probably a few bugs. Two led’s show me the current mode. The other led’s are for light effects. There should be a speaker in the handle but I sadly broke it accidently. One button changes the mode while the other one functions as the Trigger. The Blaster still needs a Paint Job but the colors haven't arrived yet.
  • 1 × Arduino Nano
  • 1 × LED strip WS2811
  • 3 × LED's red and green
  • 1 × Anycubic mega SE and filament

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