The objective of this submission is to describe how we can get the maximum amount of working force from tidal wave energy. Defining various forces acting on a floating object, how we can handle unnecessary forces, how can increase useful force, and use it safely. Tidal force on a floating object has two elements: 1) Horizontal force: This is a one-directional force creates by tidal flow/current. 2) Vertical force: Is a bidirectional force creates by tidal waves with gravity. Tidal horizontal force (and with other external any kind of wind forces) on a floating object can be opposed by anchor it properly (by using minimum of four horizontal/ long-distance anchors) so that the vertical force remains almost the same. This vertical force is useful and it can be very much useful as easily increase this vertical force by Archimedes Principle (by increasing the size of the object). This bidirectional vertical force is very much suitable for pumping purposes. By installing pumps inside the ship, using the vertical bidirectional force of the wave and gravity on an anchored floating object continuously sufficient water pumping is possible for hydropower station and or desalination. This is a very easy technique to harness energy from ocean tidal energy as already running some small projects. Capacity can be increased as required by the Archimedes Principle. Expensive waterproof devices are not required, compared to the existing hydropower stations dam, big reservoir, big catchment area not required so cost-effective, also no need to think about the related problems like obstructing fish migration, changing river flow characteristics, affect on ecology, problems on important natural areas, agricultural land, relocation of people, etc.
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