
Portable UVC LED bar

An array of high powered germicidal LEDs,
paired with lithium ion batteries and Arduino controller in a portable footprint.

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This is a high powered UVC project with an array of 12 LEDs, along with a silicone lens array specifically designed for UVC strips in the 260-280nm range.

This is a work in progress. Currently it is assembled with a custom box, constant current boost driver, heatsink, and fans to evaluate different drivers and determine if this form factor will provide sufficient cooling. At 45-65 Watts of input power, these arrays become very hot. With additional cooling slots (not seen in these pictures) the highest temperature measured on the array after 30 minutes was 114°F (46°C, datasheet recommends lower than 70°C).

The final version will have an onboard controller with a timer, sensors, and safety features similar to my other UVC project. Lithium batteries attached to the back of the unit will provide onboard power, with a jack available for external power.

As with all high power UVC devices, proper care should be taken to avoid exposure to skin and eyes. Protective eyewear should be chosen to provide protection from all sides since UVC will reflect on some surfaces.

This device is intended to be a mercury-free, bulb-free alternative with a useful lifespan of thousands of hours. It would be turned on when leaving a room, vehicle, etc. and left for a period of time for disinfection. Safety features in the unit will be identical to my other UVC project and include temperature sensors, power monitoring, a timer, and automatic shutoff in the event of overheating, excessive power consumption, or other malfunction.

Now for a fair warning - this project is a bit on the pricier side compared to fluorescent bulbs. Expected cost when completed will run in the $200-$300 range thanks to price increases on parts and supply chain issues.

There are many devices on the market now that are low powered or emit other wavelengths (UVA/UVB) with minimal or no germicidal effect. This array is produced by New Energy using Luminus XBT-3535 LEDs rated for a maximum of 90mW per LED for a total radiant flux of 1.08W. (Fluorescent UVC bulbs range from 75µW to 4W depending on size). Note that these are optical measurements, not electrical measurements. Links to the datasheets for these devices can be found on the left side of this page.

Newer devices are coming out with multiple die (such as the XFM-5050-UV) capable of producing about 4 to 25 the power of these LEDs. However at this time they are very new to market, and only available commercially in large volumes. They are also quite expensive, not to mention power and cooling requirements far beyond the scope of a consumer device.

Glass, acrylic, polycarbonate, and most other materials block UVC. LEDiL produces a silicone lens designed to pass UVC wavelengths and fit standardized LED array strips.

Need a project for those many rainy weekends? Have a craving for the latest and greatest? Go big or go home with a high powered array!

  • 1 × LSB1-12G08-UV01-00 New Energy / Luminus High Power UVC LED array
  • 2 × MF40101V1-1000U-A99 Sunon brushless DC fan
  • 1 × DC-DC boost / constant current LED driver, 70W+ (Still evaluating various models)
  • 1 × FN17818_VIOLET-12X1-W Silicone UVC lens array with mounting frame
  • 1 × ATS-EXL59-300-R0 or ATS-EXL67-300-R0 Heat sink for LED array

View all 9 components

  • September 2022 update

    MarkC09/01/2022 at 14:03 0 comments

    This project is on hold for a few weeks while I tend to relocation and medical care. Not to worry, all the parts have been stashed away for later completion! 

  • Battery power

    MarkC04/29/2022 at 20:00 0 comments

    The final version will have 4 x 18650 Li-ion batteries attached to the rear of the unit. The inside of the bar will be mostly occupied by the array, heatsink, controller, fans, driver, display, and wiring. Placing the batteries externally will avoid cramping other parts and allow enough airflow to keep the array cool.

View all 2 project logs

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