
CDP 1802 board build

CDP 1802 board

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CDP 1802 processor board. The first CMOS CPU, not that fast but very low power which secured its use in several early space probes. The only home computer it was used in was the COMX-35. So it makes sense to build a copy of that.

I like my projects to be physically small and light, so I would rather not have the integrated keyboard. I would rather enter software from a terminal emulator. So I would like to make the following modifications:

  • Board and firmware to use a USB module as the user interface.
  • Firmware to use * and / instead of × and ÷ for multiplication and division.

  • Construction

    Keith06/19/2022 at 16:21 0 comments


    PCB arrives. I have noticed that the legend on the PCB indicates '74LS245' while the parts list specifies 74HC parts (or 74HCU for the crystal oscillator circuit). The original COMX used mix of 4000 and 74LS  series parts. I'm going use CMOS parts with LS switching thresholds, because I have a large stock of 74HCT14, 74HCT86 and 74ACT574 chips. 


    Parts arrive. They supplied a 74HC04 instead of the recommended 74HCU04.


    Fitted many parts. Soldered the logic and RAM chips directly, because they are too cheap to warrant sockets these days and sockets introduce unreliability. I have fitted sockets for the DIP40 chips.


    Board currently looks like this:

    Lacking most of the passive components. I had many 100n decoupling capacitors available. I have the chips for the sockets, but won't fit them until all other components are fitted, to avoid exposure to static discharge.

    I plan to modify the project to input characters from a USB module instead of the keyboard, so I can enter programs by pasting text into a terminal emulator.

  • Component sourcing

    Keith05/19/2022 at 18:30 0 comments

    COMIX-35 Assembly Resources are already well documented.

    CDP1802 still widely available. Other chips less so:





    I found two sources for the PCB.

    On eBay, for £22.79 + £7.20 postage = £29.99.

    If was a third cheaper from a UK supplier, for £18.50 and chipset for $31.20 (£24.95), so I order it from there.

    I found a kit of ICs on for $24. It was cheaper and less fuss than sourcing them separately. I paid with my card, as this has a slightly better currency exchange rate than eBay.

    ETA 14-17 June for the chips, 11th June for the PCB.


    PCB arrives. I have noticed that the legend on the PCB indicates '74LS245' while the parts list specifies 74HC parts (or 74HCU for the crystal oscillator circuit). The original COMX used mix of 4000 and 74LS  series parts. I'm going use CMOS parts with LS switching thresholds, because I have a large stock of 74HCT14, 74HCT86 and 74ACT574 chips. 


    Parts arrive. They supplied a 74HC04 instead of the recommended 74HCU04.


    Fitted many parts. Soldered the logic and RAM chips directly, because they are too cheap to warrant sockets these days and sockets introduce unreliability. I have fitted sockets for the DIP40 chips.


    Received low-height crystals from which will make the board look a bit nicer and less vulnerable to knocks.


    Received crystal insulating washers.

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