

Multifunctional Watch with unique design

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This project was inspired by chronnode VFD watch(

The goal was build something similar, but a little smaller and built from generally accessible parts.

Watch was equipped by BME280 atmospherical sensor. I can show you actual barometric pressrure, humidity and temperature. I also added an alimeter with settable reference point(pressure at sea level). It's presice enough to measure your own height. Temperature correction is also settable, becouse watch on wrist have little bit higher temperature.

Onboard are also a chronograph.

Low power step up converter allows it to work from classic AAA battery or ni-mh.

LEDnode is operated by the incremental encoder with addidional back button and switch for mode select between ondemand(showing data by 5s after waking up) and force(show always).

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e64 wrote 05/01/2024 at 12:59 point

Przy tym poborze prądu trzeba by pomyśleć jednak nad panelem słonecznym np. nad baterią AAA.

Wiele projektów usypia na jakiś czas urządzenie nie zmieniając wyświetlacza. Czyli coś zmieniamy, zasypia np. na pół sekundy i dopiero potem robi poprawianie wyświetlacza. Wydłuży to drastycznie czas działania.

Urządzenie jest za grube na rękę, ale jako zegarek na łańcuszku lub tak jak kiedyś nosiły siostry w szpitalach (przypinane do klapy) ale to trzeba by zrobić obłą obudowę. Taka cebula na łańcuszku nie działała by też z panelem słonecznym.

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Gregory Sanders wrote 10/06/2022 at 10:46 point

Damn, that's ugly.  ;-)  And I love it!  LOL.  Thanks for sharing it.

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Bartosz wrote 05/15/2022 at 06:53 point

I will add repo when final version of PCB
will working :)

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skylerthuss wrote 05/15/2022 at 06:38 point

this is really sweet and I would love to build this if that is a possibility? is there repo with the files for the pcb and the code possibly, great work this is awesome!

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