
X-Mas and Birthday coming soon ... / Tonertransfer

A project log for The Atmega Hearth

Lets imagine a cheap core for all your breadboard µC Projects.

stefan-xpStefan-Xp 12/03/2015 at 21:130 Comments

If you noticed it is only 20 or 21 (for the people on the other side of the World) days left until Christmas :-)

So its time to get or prepare the gifts ;-)

For my mother i will prepare a glowie orchid. The plan is to submerge the sealed AtmegaHearth in the flower pot and illuminate a glass "thing" (i even don't know the german word) which stays next to the orchid.

On the Pro side:

On the Con side:

First i "casted" the PCB in Hotglue. Only the LED got a Window made by a part of a MonCherie box.

I tested it in water... it worked:

After this nice success i also tried a bit of toner transfer - worked also okay but the standard paper was a bit difficult to remove... should try some other paper types. It was pretty easy. Just print the "artwork" mirrored on a paper and put it on the hotglue as long as it is still hot.

In person it looks a lot better. It's a bit kitschy but its not visible by default :) Here is another close up.

I hope with flower and glass thing and nice packaging she will like it :)

I hope you enjoyed this post also.
