
Example Project 1 - Rundumleuchte

A project log for The Atmega Hearth

Lets imagine a cheap core for all your breadboard µC Projects.

stefan-xpStefan-Xp 07/10/2014 at 21:430 Comments

This is a easy 8 Output one Input + I2C Project. It is part of a bigger project ;-)

What does it do?

It lights up with different patterns of blue light :-)

In this case i used a coper plated FR4 board. I just drew the traces with a marker, so this is quick and dirty.

On the plus side: Later on nobody will notice it :)

For this Project I ordered a few super bright blue 3000mCd LEDs. Those THT types had suprisingly the most convenient brightness / price ratio.

As you can see i placed the Atmega Hearth in the center and connected it to the board.

Then added the LEDs + Resistors and a Push-Button. I really like the Marquardt 3006 Series :-) (y)

The push button is used to switch modes manually. The modes are also changeable by I2C command.

Please take a look at the pictures and note, that it is not yet finished :)

This is the Top Side:

This is the Bottom Side.

This is how it looks like in action
