
2022/12/22 - Pick your UPS wisely

A project log for Polyformer - Ideal Filament Recycler

The ideal machine for recycling plastic bottles into 3D printer filament. Team Members: Reiten Cheng (Project Founder), Swaleh Owais

swaleh-owaisSwaleh Owais 12/23/2022 at 00:440 Comments

I had a really cool 3 hour recycled print that I wanted to share today. Unfortunately, the power cut mid-print. I'm not a dummy, I plugged my 3D printer into a UPS for this specific purpose. But I guess the UPS was second or messed up in some way since it only kept the printer on for ~15 sec. 

I managed to replace the unit in town and I am running the cool print job again as we speak. Hopefully, I can share it tomorrow.

Got a bit frustrated today cutting bottles as they were too big for the standard bottle cutter.  I printed out a simple extension tool to fit the larger bottles.
