The number of bottle caps below corresponds with products which can be made with said number of shredded bottle caps.
1 bottle cap (2g) = keychain
10 bottle caps (20g) = Christmas tree ornament (prototypes already created)
100 bottle caps (200g) = small plant pot or vase
1,000 bottle caps (2kg) = step stool or sled (prototypes already created)
10,000 bottle caps (20kg) = chair (kids' sized chair prototype already created)
100,000 bottle caps (200kg) = small boat (kayak, canoe, or dinghy)
1,000,000 bottle caps (2,000kg) = 30' long boat capable of trans-oceanic crossings to help #teamseas
3D Printed Kid's Chair Video Below:
NASA HeroX Waste to Base Materials Challenge Video Below: