OLED display, 128x64, 0.96", SSD1306, I2C with PIC16F628A. Oled is driven by software (bit banging) I2C. Setting the room temperature by 2 buttons.
Output transistor is to drive a relay or directly 24VDC input to a central heating boiler. Hysteresis is 0.5 degree. Update of the temperature is every second.
Temperature range is -55 to 100 centigrade.
The PIC16F628 is a much better chip to use alongside the DS18B20 temperature chip. Use this instead: https://digitbox.etsy.com/uk/listing/1587323075/ds18b20-temperature-sensor-interfacing
The PIC16F628 is a much better chip to use alongside the DS18B20 temperature chip. Use this instead: https://digitbox.etsy.com/uk/listing/1587323075/ds18b20-temperature-sensor-interfacing