Based on the materials received we started distributing the components in the box to see the proper order and how it would be more appropriate for the user. Also we started to test them to see how they feel and their visual aspect. Because it is what our users would focus on. We also had to make sure that the components we where using would not harm the children.
We started cutting pieces to put them in the cardboard prototype and continue doing touching tests to see which textures would have a contrast and how they felt.
Then based on a comment from a person that has interacted with people from autism we decided to change a texture to give it a more broad variety to help stimulate more people. Because one challenge that we face is that every person reacts different or likes different things.
We changed a pink fabric pasted in a almost rose form to a bag with hair gel in order to give a more watery texture that they could touch and move with their fingers.
We also started to do some braids with two different types of threat to give a more complete texture.
We also started to see which was the best way to incorpotate our LED ring so that it would be pleasant to see. We decided to user ARDUINO to be able to program it.

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