We continued making the proper adjustments to the textures that we had and completing the right measurements of them. We also make the arrangements of the order of them.
We also continued to keep working on the code, because the light pattern was a little bit too fast and too bright. This would definetely affect our users so we had to make some changes in the code. Also we wanted for the light sequence to be one color each click intead of a mix of them (we had a little bit of a setback to get that part right). We had also to configurate how to turn it on by the usage of a button (that was easier than the light changing).
We started as well to make the design of the box based on the measurements of the plywood that we had chosen which is 4mm. We had some trouble findind the correct measurements at first but then we managed it and continue in the designing process.
We chose to make a design in which we could assemble the box without using that much glue (only for the outer borders), that is why we decided to put small holes that the other pieces would fit perfectly to just intertwined them.

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