Component shortage is a big topic nowerdays.
Atmel/Microchip 328p is hardly availible or at an incredible price. Therefore I had to look for other components on the Microcontroller side.
A new star rises on December 2020 from Espressif. The old but gold ESP32 got a replacement called ESP32-S3
In the end of 2021 Espressif announced on their website that ESP32 Wroom is "not reccommended for new designs". At the same time they gurantee a 12 Year of support for the ESP32
At the same time ESP32-S3 was not available widely nor was the Arduino support good or stable. Lots of SW issues are reported and ESP32-S3 seams to be a nightmare (Interrupts, GPIOs,...)
So what to do now? Stay on the old reliable ESP32 or switch to ESP32-S3 with a very immature SW and rare availible chips
So how to handle this situation?
Lets make this design as Generic as possible
Luckily i found out that most of the Pinout of ESP32 Wroom and ESP32 -S3 is identically.
Only two pins are different and these one can be ignored in a custom made design.

So can we design a Board where ESP32-S3 and ESP32 Wroom fits and most features work?
Lets give it a try:
Both Chips have different strapping Pins, issues with PWM output on ports during boot up, Pins that may not work as ADC if Wifi is enabled, and several other issues.
So I carefully made a table with a side by side comparison of each pin of the ESP32 and ESP32-S3.(SPOILER: It did not work out)
ESP32-S3 Findings:
- ESP32-S3 has some pins that are not useable if you use Octal SPI Chips
- ESP32-S3 has no more DAC
- Crashes if you use AnalogRead() to often
ESP32 Findings:
- ESP32 ADC2 does not work if WIfi is on
- Internal Pullups of ESP32 are weak
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