The files have been added to the project. There's a schematic, circuit board and KiCAD project zip for the WellWell monitor device. There's another zip for the WellNow monitoring app along with a signed Android APK file.
There are a few known issues with the WellWell device as of version 1.0. First is the loss of communication bug that has existed for quite some time now. I may try a new design that add a second voltage regulator solely for the HC-05. The second issue is in the firmware and could be tied to a specific well pump or install site. This manifests as continuous power consumption detected by the monitor. In the firmware source, there is a build option named THRESHOLDED, that enables an elevated current before the software considers the pump to be running. Finally, I have not identified the source of PumpSaver version value, so that value is being used to display a debugging value.
On the Android side, the issues are mostly due to my inexperience with the Activity model used in Android app development. The notification icon may be stick in the notification bar after the app exits. The app's service-only mode is also relatively untested.
I will continue to work on this project and update the files here as needed.
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