
Coin Cell

A project log for LoRaWAN Birdhouse

A Birdhouse with Internet

jan-schlieperJan Schlieper 10/31/2024 at 07:440 Comments

A couple of days ago the birdhouse stopped sending data. At first I thought they where doing maintenance on the LoRaWAN gateways because it started on a Friday evening. After a while I noticed that whenever the sun came out the birdhouse tried doing a LoRaWAN join. That told me that there was probably an issue with the battery because the solar panel was still working. Yesterday I took down the birdhouse. The LIR2032 coin cell was still fully charged at 4.0 volts. It looks like the coin cell holder is the problem (mechanical issue?). Maybe it is not designed for the temperature changes out in the field. Just in case I replaced the coin cell and put the birdhouse back up again. It has been working again without incident for the past twelve hours. I will replace the coin cell with the old LiPo pack (JST connector) should this happen again.
