# Feature
- ambiant humidity sensors and temperature (DHT11)
- soil humidity sensors (capacitive module with analog out)
- lux meter
- pressure sensor
- microhone (detect noise level + weather / rain / wind ?)
- 3 mosftet output, 2 LED strip + pump
- low power features, turn off every peripheral except ESP32 that can deepsleep and LoRa
- LoRa (433Mhz) (not compatible with TTN :( 868 Mhz is too expensive) , wifi and bluetooth connectivity
- buzzer to locate the sensors (and maybe repell some animal ?)
- GPS to track the sensors and have an accurate time base
- local data display on OLED screen or remote via the LoRa
- input voltage monitoring, get an idea of the battery left if powered by one
- 3 I2C port that can be repurposed for 3V3 peripheral
- 70 x 70 mm PCB but might shrink later
- 20-30 $ to produce. All component available at AliExpress
- Write the firmware
- redraw the power trace for improved power
- build the board and test it