
Alpha2 Progress

A project log for Modernize Harmony 880

Modernize a Logitech Harmony 880 universal remote

mulcmumulcmu 05/31/2024 at 14:200 Comments

Made a few tweaks to the Alpha2 board, made R3 a pull-down so backlight defaults to off.  This was ESP can be shutdown and screen stays off.  The MSP can control the ESP EN pin, currently there is a glitch where it seems to shutdown startup and shutdown again, hopefully just a software issue....

2nd change was to add a vibration sensor to wake up the remote.  The original remotes had a 4 pin SMD plastic cage with a gold ball that shakes around on the inside.  I couldn't find any economical similar parts from the big US suppliers.  Found something similar in a 1210 smd package on Ali-express.  This seems to be normally open, but makes the smallest little pulse when moved.  It didn't register on DMM but when bodged to the MSP it will wake up the processor on the port2 interrupt.  I ordered a few more different types from Ali-express to  experiment with.

MSP430 software has been reworked with some look up tables to eliminate the big nested switch statement.  Saved 280 bytes of flash.  Moved the processing out of the ISR.  Button press and release consistently detected.  

Next steps to start working on the menu logic in the ESP and getting all the PCB feature complete.



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