
WW49: D-triggers active soldering

A project log for BrainfuckPC Relay Computer

Von-Neumann 16-bit relay computer with Brainfuck++ instruction set

artem-kashkanovArtem Kashkanov 12/08/2017 at 13:070 Comments

One more week -  one more soldered parts.

D-triggers with and Sync input. Schematic supports En input for connecting Q to the  output, but because of limited number of RES55 I have to use external 16-bit switches. Because of it this modules contain only 3 relays.  Currently 17 are almost done(need to solder two-color led), need 70 of them

There only 3 LED's - Data and WR, and two-color LED shows Q/~Q output

Module schematic (under red non-soldered parts)
