
The third challenge is board design 

A project log for uMyo - wearable EMG sensor with wet/dry electrodes

EMG sensors for controlling devices and PC with muscle commands

olya-gryOlya Gry 11/03/2022 at 18:480 Comments

As I said in the first project log - to mount the first uMyo prototype, we printed the case on a 3D printer. But it was a temporary solution... 

We had to come up with a bracelet connected directly to the board, otherwise the uMyo manufacturing process would become unnecessarily complicated. Therefore, we had to change the design of the board... 

To find the ideal shape, I drew several sketches... 

Dmytro implemented one of them in the form of a new board design. uMyo looks like a butterfly now, but will it be durable and functional enough to use?  

This we had to find out after the production of a trial batch. But not only that!
