Tilting it slightly proved very effective at containing the ashes, except when it was facing into the wind. Facing into the wind causes a few flyaways. Tilting it 20-33 deg would totally eliminate the ashes. The problem is attaching the 2 segments when it's tilted over 20 deg. The top has to be removable to light it. Magnets wouldn't do the job. A hook mechanism would be wobbly. A spring loaded mechanism would be complicated & detract from the visual appeal.
The next item is adjusting the angle of the incense. Part of the plan is integrating the top of the clamp into the rocket to avoid trapping ashes in it. The bottom clamp is a V pocket that moves to adjust the angle of the incense. It's stuck to the floor of the launch mount by a magnet. The launch mount would bolt onto a metal platform.
The updated clamping should allow more engines to be modeled, but the aft dome was manely sacrificed to the incense clamp. It turned out the ashes stick to everything no matter how curved the aft dome is.

The upgraded thrust structure with 24 of the 33 engines & clamp was a lot harder to build. It could have been a lot easier by using a larger section of infilled PLA. The aft dome could easily be flattened, allowing the engines to be printed as 1 block of infilled PLA with temporary farsteners to align it with the aft dome. Instead, 3 PLA sections are glued together & it's all very fragile. There's a lot of void space which can't be cleaned. Normal animals don't even bother with temporary farsteners. The thrust structure is hidden inside the launch mount so it's really more about complying with injection molding requirements than anything practical.
The spring mechanism was optimized to a point. It wants to break off when the spring is tensioned & probably has to be made bigger.

Note to future lion that flush magnets can't be installed by paw. The only way to get them in is by pressing them in with a knife & sliding the knife off. Lions have been struggling to hot glue flush magnets since 3D printing began. The magnet place needs .5mm extra radius & 1mm extra depth for the hot glue to flow. Trying to install them by paw just gets them stuck diagonally.

Another struggle has been reducing the amount of material in the launch mount. The giant donut needs a top plate for visual appeal, an inner plate to bolt the rocket on, a bottom plate to glue the stilts on, & an outer plate for visual appeal. That makes infill the cheapest solution. The injection molding technique would involve gluing the bottom plate on a hollow top 3 plates.
The stilts could be hollow, but infill makes them a hair stronger. They get a lot stronger by gluing to the donut.

Double sided tape was the easiest way to stick the launch mount on a sheet of tin.

Magnetic V pocket worked quite well to align the stick vertically. It only takes a small motion & the piece is stable. No XY table or screws are necessary. You wouldn't want to move the entire launch mount around the V pocket since that would take more tin.

The object of the tilt was of course trapping ashes.

The final tilt ended up 10 deg. Looks like it's venting in this one.
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